EASY Personal Branding Tips: Why You Need a Personal Brand

Having your own personal brand is important because it helps you take control of much of what’s available about you on the web, since you put it there.  I’ve also found that I love when people contact me and quote stuff off of my blog or personal web portal.  It tells me that what I’ve put out there to be found in Google searches is working, and that people are learning a little bit about me ahead of time, so when they call me, they’re already “warmed up”, and this is a valuable asset.  

Also keep in mind that as a business owner, you can use your personal web portal as a compliment to your businesses’ websites, and provide yet another way to feed people to your business blog or site.

Reminder: Within the next few weeks, I’m going to have a podcast episode devoted entirely to questions and answers from you, my listening audience, so please submit your Small Business Branding Questions for that upcoming episode.  You can visit our website sss4success.com and go to the Contact Us page to submit your question, or reach out to us via email at “podcasts @ sss4success.com”, or finding us on Twitter (@sss4success), or leaving a comment below.  Don’t forget to stop by our Facebook Fan Page and let us know you LIKE what we’re doing.

Finally, if by chance, you would like to learn more about how EASY Sales can help your bottom line, then give us a call at 615-336-4325.

Have a great day! Kindra Cotton If the player above isn’t displaying, or working properly, you can also download the podcast from iTunes for free!  By the way, Transcripts are now available upon request.  If you want one, please email us at “transcripts[at]sss4success.com“. 

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